Website visitor de-anonymization is all the rage nowadays within the GTM community. It is a foundational piece that powers ABM campaigns, outbound motions, and website content personalization, among other things.
But every other day there is a debate in the GTM community about which vendor has the highest 'identification rates'?
There is no "one-size-fits-all" answer to this for two main reasons:
ID rates are highly dependent on the visitor profile. Which country is the visitor coming from? What is their persona? Are they likely to have an "online" presence? A Construction Tech SaaS targeting contractors in Canada might not identify traffic at the same rate as a B2B SaaS selling to US digital marketers.
ID rates vary based on precision. You can identify visitors at company-level, company and role level, and person-level with diminishing ID rates. Different services offer varying coverage across these granularities. Most offer only company-level identification unlike newer solutions such as Syft and RB2B.
Finally, the most important is accuracy. ID rates don't tell you whether the ID was correct!
Given these factors, our advice has been to evaluate multiple vendors, in parallel, and do two basic tests:
- The Friends & Co-workers Test: Visit your website yourself and ask a few of your co-workers and friends to do the same. Check which of you are identified and whether the result matches your current company, role, linkedin.
- The Signup Test: Check if the users that signed up were de-anonymized correctly prior to them signing up. This is the best way to check accuracy at scale.
However, performing these side-by-side tests is time consuming. They require you to talk to vendors, go through procurement, deploy these solutions, and then do evaluations. We speak to a lot of folks who are evaluating solutions including ours and this was one of their top frustrations.
Introducing WhoAmI
So, we decided to build a tool that makes it easy for you to do the "Friends & Co-workers" Test. Our tool - WhoAmI - helps you decide which vendors have the best coverage and accuracy objectively. With this tool we will identify you using multiple de-anonymization vendors and show you side-by-side results. If you are interested, we will send you a report with aggregated benchmark results from all the submissions as well.
Our goal is to educate the GTM community about the wonders and limitations of this technology. Please try it out and
let us know what you think!